Simcha Rothman

Get Refusal, Knesset, Sanctions 
Israel strikes back: Financial crackdown on Get refusers

In a landmark decision, the Knesset unleashes a barrage of new sanctions against get refusers, from freezing bank accounts to banning e-bike use. This sweeping legislation is a promising new step in the country's fight to free agunot and has been backed by an unlikely alliance of religious courts and women's rights groups.

Gila Isaacson | 05.08.24

Israel-Gaza War, International Criminal Court

Judicial reform advocate Rothman: The legal system was supposed to protect us from the ICC

In response to the ICC Prosecutor's decision to file for warrants against the Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Rothman noted that the legal system's claim to be a shield against such indictments has now collapsed.

JFeed Staff | 21.05.24

Supreme Court, Democracy

Rothman to Hayut: "In a democracy, you can say enraging things"

Knesset Constitutional Committee Chairman Simcha Rothman responds to the controversy over the caricature of Hayut standing over a dead soldier making the social media round, defending the right of citizens to freely express themselves.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 04.01.24

Israel-Gaza War, Supreme Court

Supreme Court Strikes Down Basic Law Amendment on Reasonableness

The ruling, whose draft was leaked last week to journalist Amit Segal, was rushed through so the narrow majority in favor of striking down the amendment would still be in place.

Avi Woolf | 01.01.24

Legal Representation for Terrorists

Rothman Suggests: Denying Legal Representation for the 7.10 Terrorists

Chairman of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, Member of Knesset Simcha Rothman, placed on the Knesset table a proposal that would prevent legal representation from the Hamas terrorists who are being held in custody after they entered Israel on October 7.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 25.12.23

Reserve Soldiers, New School Year

Amazing Statistic: How Many Students are now Serving in the Reserves?

Against the background of the insistence on opening the academic school year, the Knesset revealed the number of reservists registered in the various institutions and the fact that half of the combat reservists are students.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Abductees

Rothman in the Knesset Discussion: "I also have a Kidnapped Relative"

The Chairman of the Constitution Committee, MK Simcha Rothman, shared during a discussion in the committee that he too has a relative who is kidnapped, and that he knows that the release of the abductees is currently the top goal of all involved in the matter.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 20.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Domestic Terrorism

Knesset Constitutional Committee Approves Year in Prison for Hamas and ISIS Content Consumers

The punishment passed by a vote of 6-1.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 06.11.23

Simcha Rothman

Rothman: "Today the government does not have a legal advisor"

During a conference at the home of a candidate for the Regional Council Leadership, Rothman said: "The rift started when the court assumed the ability to invalidate laws in a political and blatant manner"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 04.10.23

"Slander and Lies"

Simcha Rothman against the N12 reporter: "a swindler who spreads slander"

After Channel 12 News reported that the brother of MK Rothman led a procession in which suspects who spat at Christians were arrested, the MK responded firmly, saying, "Anyone who wants can join this parade. But the desecration of God's name and the defamation the headline has already done"

Eliyahu Luksenberg, JFeed | 04.10.23

Unusual Incident

An unusual incident in Jerusalem: a boy pulled out a knife and threatened Rothman

A 13-year-old boy pulled out a knife and threatened the Chairman of the Constitution Committee, Simcha Rothman, while he was touring the Four Species Market in Jerusalem. One of Rothman's security guards apprehended the boy, and he was subsequently taken in for police questioning

JFeed | 28.09.23

Simcha Rothman

Simcha Rothman against Ben Gvir: "Your actions are not desirable"

Members of the Knesset from religious Zionism, Simcha Rothman and Ohad Tal, oppose Itamar Ben-Gvir's intention to hold a prayer this Thursday in Dizengoff Square

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 26.09.23


Rothman: "This is a bullying act of gagging"

MK Rothman commented on the incident in which dozens of protesters chased after leaders of "Rosh Yehudi" and Rabbi Levinstein: "If this had happened in any other city, we would have called it anti-Semitic."

JFeed | 20.09.23

The Kashrut Reform

'Religious Zionism' deletes Kahana's kosher reform

The coalition continues to delete decisions of the previous government, and now the kosher law will return to the old version, and city rabbis will not be able to grant kosher certificates outside their local authority

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

Simcha Rothman's Revolution

Man of the Year in Politics: Simcha Rothman's Revolution

In the past year, the legal issue threatened to divide Israeli society, and at the center of the events stood more prominently than anyone else Simcha Rothman - a lawyer turned politician - who did not hesitate to stand by his beliefs, despite the heavy price

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 14.09.23

The Dramatic Discussion

The debate continues: "The government can harm democracy"

Historically, all 15 judges of the High Court gathered for a dramatic discussion on the question of whether to invalidate the "Basic Law: The Judiciary" amendment, regarding the reduction of the Clause of Reasonability. Watch the live broadcast

JFeed | 12.09.23

The Legal Reform

In the face of interference from the judges Rothman: "The people are the sovereign"

In the face of interference from the judges, the Chairman of the Constitution Committee, Simcha Rothman, demanded to reject the petitions against the Basic Law, "Don't try to take away the people of Israel's democracy and their trust in democracy."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

The Legal Reform

Lapid: a crooked and thuggish proposal that was managed through a violent process

The Supreme Court will convene for a hearing with a full composition of 15 judges, for the first time in history. Lapid: "Those who want basic laws to be treated with reverence, let them start by enacting them properly."

JFeed | 12.09.23

The Legal Reform

Rothman reacts to the judge's decision not to disqualify Hayut

Judge Uzi Fogelman rejected MK Rothman's appeal regarding the disqualification of Judge Esther Hayut to discuss the reason of reasonableness due to early disclosure of her opinion against the law, Rothman: They want you to believe that she can discuss"

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

The High Court Threatens

The High Court threatens to issue an order against the Minister of Justice

As a result of the petition by the Movement for Government Quality, the Supreme Court threatened to issue an order against the condition regarding the appointment of judges for Yariv Levin concerning the issue of the committee's failure to convene.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 06.09.23